Monday, May 6, 2013

Scope and Sequence

Scope & Sequence

Tutor name:  Esmeralda Tully
Student name: Leydi Sanchez
Gender: Female                                                                           
Grade: 5th grade
Interests: family, school, friends, soccer, pizza, the color yellow, math

Rationale for Scope & Sequence:

  • ·      For the ELA component, I chose to instruct Leydi on informational writing, which focused on her own personal context while permitting creativity. During the ELA pre-assessment when she was required to write an alternate ending to the story, Leydi wrote three sentences, which was the minimum requirement. In addition, her writing lacked descriptive details and clear event sequences. I believe that these lessons will help her to expand on her writing, and to write informative/explanatory texts in order to convey ideas and information clearly.
  • ·      For the mathematics component, I made the decision to teach Leydi the PEMDAS strategy in order to solve numerical expressions using the order of operations. Her work from the pre-assessment indicated that she was not familiar with this strategy. Even though she got the order of operations problems correct, she did not use PEMDAS to arrive at her answer; she was lucky both times. I believe that teaching her this mnemonic device will help her to independently solve these problems successfully in the future.
Tentative Plan for Instruction:

Week 1 ELA:
·      Topic: How-to Writing: Motivating Students to Write for a Real Purpose
·      Concept: Organizing and outlining ideas for an informational essay
·      Common Core Standard: W.5.1.a: Introduce a topic or text clearly, state an opinion, and create an organizational structure in which ideas are logically grouped to support the writer's purpose.
·      Strategy: Utilizing an interactive graphic organizer for prewriting

Week 2 ELA:
·      Topic: How-to Writing: Motivating Students to Write for a Real Purpose
·      Concept: Writing an informational essay
·      Common Core Standard: W.5.4: Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development and organization are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
·      Strategy: Utilizing the essay map to produce writing

Week 3 ELA:
·      Topic: How-to Writing: Motivating Students to Write for a Real Purpose
·      Concept: Critiquing the craft and structure of peers’ writing
·      Common Core Standard: W.5.9.b: Apply grade 5 Reading Standards to informational texts (e.g., "Explain how an author uses reasons and evidence to support particular points in a text, identifying which reasons and evidence support which point[s]").
·      Strategy: Utilizing the “How to Succeed in the Fifth Grade” writing rubric to assess other authors’ essays

Week 4 Math:
·      Topic: Order of Operations
·      Concept: Evaluating numerical expressions with three operations
·      Common Core Standard: 5.OA.1: Use parenthesis, brackets, or braces in numerical expressions, and evaluate expressions with these symbols
·      Strategy: PEMDAS

Week 5 Math: 
·      Topic: Order of Operations
·      Concept: Adding parenthesis to make numerical expressions true
·      Common Core Standard: 5.OA.1: Use parenthesis, brackets, or braces in numerical expressions, and evaluate expressions with these symbols
·      Strategy: PEMDAS

Technology Integration Plan:

Week 1 ELA: The “How-To” YouTube video will be played during the “Activating Prior Knowledge” portion of the lesson. The teacher and the student will use the iPad to record the brainstormed list of ideas for the rules and materials needed for fifth grade during “Guided Practice.” Student will utilize the interactive essay map to organize their information during “Independent Practice.”

Week 2 ELA: Student will utilize the interactive essay map to compose their writing. They have the option of typing their essay on the computer using Microsoft Word.

Week 3 ELA: Student will assess other authors writing on Adobe Reader on the iPad. This feature allows them to add notes, highlight words, strikeout words, underline text, or freehand write directly on the writing piece.

Week 4 MATH: Teacher will introduce the topic by showing the Khan Academy video of PEMDAS. Student has the option of solving the problems during “Independent Practice” on the iPad. Student will check their answers using “MyScript Calculator” on the iPad.

Week 5 MATH: “Math Order of Operations” application on iPad is used to activate prior knowledge. Student uses the “Ooops” application on the iPad to add parenthesis to make 4 out of 6 equations true. 

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